Sam Halaby Painted His Family Home, and the furniture, and the refrigerator, and…

Halaby at home
Sam Halaby at his painted home, photo (c) Sam Halaby
Many large buildings are truly pieces of art.
From the Oculus in New York, to The Broad in Los Angeles, from Shanghai Tower to The Guggenheim in Bilbao and of course La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the architecture of these buildings are indeed remarkable artworks.
Beyond the architecture, however, few buildings have been turned into artworks simply using paint.
Enter artist Sam Halaby, the only male child in a family of 10 children.
Halaby was raised in a traditional Druze family and, with the encouragement of his mother, has developed into an internationally recognized artist.
When his parents passed, he painted his family home in Israel, as a way to work through his grief.
His art, he says, is all about expressing love.
While he works in many media, including paintings on canvas, sculpture, and live art presentations with art, dance and music combined, it is the family home that stands out as the most unique.
At the House of Colors, Halaby has spent nearly a decade – and used 1,800 liters of paint – to create an art piece that includes the exterior and interior of the house, including the windows, floors, furniture, appliances, pots and pans, towels and sheets, and as part of his continuing work, even some food!
I’d say he painted everything but the kitchen sink, but the reality is that he did paint the kitchen sink.
The House of Colors is now open for tours, and has a restaurant and café. It’s even a destination on Trip Advisor, and now boasts a fully colored car and boat in the yard!
Halaby is still less than 35 years old.
With a joyful spirit and unending creativity, it will be fun to see what he will create next!
You can find more photos and available art pieces at